Monitoring and Logging node project


ADPList Mentorship Session | Htet Wai Yan Soe & Aung Ko Man

9 to 5

Hourly Rate

1 hr => 1,000 BHT 1 Month => 100,000 BHT

Product Based.

ပရောဂျက် လိုက်တဲ့အခါ။

Word of mouth. Networking.

Sub Contract. မတန်။

Sale Team.

Offshore -> Out sourcing. လူငှားစား။

PM / PO (project owner) Developer

IT TEam တစ်ခုလုံး ငှားထားဖို့ မလို။

Myanmar DCR ACE

  • သူငယ်ချင်းတွေနဲ့ ဘယ်တော့မှ မလုပ်နဲ့။
  • ခေါင်းဆောင်နေရာ ယူ။
  • Finicial Distribution.
  • ကိုယ်ထိမ်းလို့မရ။

  • NDA
  • Contract တွေလိုတယ်။

Sale အရေးကြီး။



Target Audience.

Market Research.





Business Analytic. -> BA

Digital Transformation.

Client Persona.

9-5 Sustainable.

Log မှတ်ကြတာ။



Load Testing.

Golden Signal. Metric.

Event Driven Architecture.

Rabbit MQ Kaffa


Doamin Driven Design.



တစ်ခုခုဖြစ်ပြီဆိုရင် Notification တန်းရောက်နေရမယ်။

Byte Byte Go.

Transaction အများကြီးကို ဘယ်လို Handle လုပ်။

How to Why

Netflix _> engineering blog

Product ထုတ်။ ရောင်း။


Startup ဂိမ်း။




အလုပ် - ပညာအရည်အချင်း - Skill - Backgroud -


ရည်မှန်းချက် - IT နဲ့ အသက်မွေးဝမ်းကြောင်းပြုနိုင်ရန်။

How to skill development

Networking Tips

Work Life Balance

Express Gratitude

Chat GPT

i have to meet with a mentor to guide how to survive in IT Field ChatGPT That’s a great opportunity! Meeting with a mentor can provide valuable insights and guidance as you navigate your way through the IT field. Here are some tips to make the most out of your mentorship meeting:

Clarify Your Goals:

Before the meeting, identify specific goals or challenges you’re facing in the IT field. This could include career aspirations, skill development, or overcoming obstacles. Come Prepared:

Have a list of questions or topics you’d like to discuss. This shows your mentor that you value their time and are serious about your development. Share Your Background:

Briefly share your educational background, work experience, and any relevant skills. This will give your mentor context about where you are in your career. Seek Advice on Skill Development:

Inquire about the most important skills in the IT industry and how you can develop them. This might include programming languages, certifications, or soft skills like communication. Discuss Industry Trends:

Ask about current trends and emerging technologies in the IT field. Understanding industry trends can help you stay relevant and make informed career decisions. Inquire About Career Paths:

Seek advice on potential career paths within IT. Discuss the pros and cons of different roles and the skills required for each. Request Feedback:

Be open to receiving constructive feedback. Ask your mentor for input on your strengths and areas for improvement. Networking Tips:

Inquire about effective networking strategies within the IT industry. Your mentor may provide insights into building professional relationships and expanding your network. Discuss Work-Life Balance:

Talk about maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the IT field. Your mentor may share personal experiences and tips on managing stress and workload. Express Gratitude:

Thank your mentor for their time and advice. Let them know that you appreciate their guidance and are committed to applying the insights gained from the meeting. Follow-Up:

After the meeting, send a follow-up email expressing gratitude and summarizing key takeaways. If applicable, update your mentor on your progress and any actions you’ve taken based on their advice. Remember, mentorship is an ongoing relationship. Be open to scheduling follow-up meetings as needed and keep the lines of communication open. Good luck!

Written on November 11, 2023