Monitoring Projects

express.js ပရောဂျက် ဘယ်သောင်ရောက်လို့ ဘယ်ကမ်းဆိုက်နေလဲ သိရအောင်။

Monitoring an Express.js Project in Production


  • Implement comprehensive logging using libraries like Winston or Morgan.
  • Store logs centrally and use log rotation.

Error Tracking

  • Integrate error tracking services such as Sentry, Rollbar, or New Relic for real-time error reporting.

Performance Monitoring

  • Use tools like New Relic, Datadog, or AppDynamics to analyze and optimize performance.

Application Metrics

  • Collect important metrics using tools like Prometheus or StatsD.

Health Checks

  • Implement health checks with an endpoint (e.g., /health) returning a 200 OK for a healthy application.

Monitoring Middleware

  • Use middleware to capture request and response details, e.g., express-prom-bundle.

Load Balancer Metrics

  • Monitor load balancer metrics for traffic distribution and potential issues.

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

  • Implement RUM tools like Google Analytics or New Relic Browser for client-side monitoring.

Environment Variables

  • Use environment variables to control logging levels and monitoring configurations.


  • Set up alerting based on thresholds and patterns in logs and metrics.

Continuous Monitoring

  • Establish continuous monitoring processes for proactive issue identification.

Note: Secure monitoring endpoints and be mindful of performance impact.

Written on November 12, 2023