When chat gpt review my react code

Your code looks well-organized and follows a clear structure. Here are a few suggestions and observations:


You have included comments, which is great for understanding the purpose of different sections of your code. Continue to use comments to explain complex logic or provide context where needed. Error Handling:

You’re handling errors in your thunks, and it’s good that you’re distinguishing between multiple errors and handling them appropriately. Just make sure that the error messages provided to the state or components are informative and user-friendly. Thunk Logic:

In your updateCategoryAsyncThunk, there is a small typo in the API call. Instead of updateCategoryAsyncThunk(formData), it should be updateCategoryApi(formData). Consistent Naming:

Ensure consistency in naming conventions. For example, in your updateCategoryAsyncThunk, you are calling updateCategoryAsyncThunk(formData), but it seems like it should be updateCategoryApi(formData). Immutability in Reducers:

While updating the state in reducers, ensure that you maintain immutability. For example, in the updateSelectedCategory reducer, consider using the spread operator to create a new object. javascript Copy code updateSelectedCategory: (state, action) => { const { name, value } = action.payload; state.selected_category = { …state.selected_category, [name]: value }; }, DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself):

There is a section in your updateCategoryAsyncThunk and deleteCategoryAsyncThunk where you handle multiple errors. Consider creating a utility function to handle this logic to avoid repetition. Redux Toolkit Usage:

Utilize more features provided by Redux Toolkit, such as createSlice. For example, instead of manually writing action types, action creators, and reducers separately, createSlice can handle these in a more concise way. Selector Naming Consistency:

Maintain consistency in selector naming. For instance, you have selectCategoryList and selectSelectedCategory. Make sure these follow a consistent pattern for better readability. State Normalization:

Depending on your application’s complexity, you might want to consider normalizing your state for better performance and organization, especially if your categories array can grow large. Thunk Dependencies:

In your thunks, you are using the getState function to access the current state. While this is perfectly fine, be mindful of its usage, and only use it when necessary. In summary, your code looks well-structured and organized. Consider the suggestions provided based on your specific requirements and coding standards.

Written on November 20, 2023